My awesome mother was one of 12 children born to Charles and Clarissa Furse, both from England but met here in Utah. I LOVED my incredible grandparents for so many reasons it would take too much time to enumerate. However, you have to know they must have been near perfect to have raised 11 (one died as a baby) of the most delightful, charming, poised, well-mannered, respected and respectful people I have ever met. Each one of my Aunts and Uncles were special to me and had gifts and talents unique to them individually. Of the 11, no two were anywhere near being alike, that is what made them so perfect! My Grandmother taught her children perfect manners, perfect grammar, and courtesy and love for all. My Grandfather taught his children the value of hard work, the importance of Faith, and the priceless gift of integrity. My mother passed these valuable gifts on to each of us, thank you mom.
As the years have passed, we have lost all but two; my Uncle Grant and my Aunt Betty. Both are wonderful and I have great memories of each, but today I am focused on my Uncle Grant since he is nearing the end of his journey here. It is at times like this that we ponder our own mortality and the ultimate question arrises in our minds; What will MY legacy be? What have I done in this time here on earth that may be remembered by my family, my friends, my posterity?
I can tell you about my Uncle Grant, he served his country with distinction in WWII along with 5 of his siblings. He has been faithful to his beliefs and standards his whole life. He married my dear Aunt Barbara who already had 6 children and he loved them dearly throughout their lives. He served his community, his church, his family, his neighbors, and could always be counted on to help my mother when she needed him. He loved everyone and didn't mind showing you how much he loved you. My Uncle Grant will leave a legacy of LOVE & SERVICE, one that all who reflect on their personal memories of him will undoubtedly have personal stories and tender moments that lighten the pain this loss.
My own mother's funeral was the BEST EVER! While there were hundreds of people there, that is not the reason I make such a statement, it was the best because we all laughed at her stories, we loved her pre-designed and organized event (so like my mother), and everyone who attended left knowing my mother better.
What will be my legacy? Have I given service that mattered? Have I helped those in need to a point that it made a difference in someone's life? Have I left a legacy of anything that will lead my family to do better and be better? What of your legacy......?
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