Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Working out to Music

      This morning when I was walking, trotting, and lifting weights to Flash Dance and Proud Mary I was struck by the question; "What is it about music that we settle on the type of music we grew up with, dated and danced to, and fell in love to..........then nothing!" We hate the next generations choice of "music", we long for music that you "can understand the words and hum a tune to". Our dance style from high school NEVER CHANGES, and our hair styles NEVER CHANGE (with the exception of required changes due to hair loss). Did we freeze in time? Who even remembers the songs we heard when we were 40 or 50! But, I remember every lyric from the hits when I was 10, 15, 18, 20, even 30.

      My mind says I am 25, thin, pretty, and lots of dark brown hair. It is always such a shock when I walk by a mirror and am catapulted into the present with the rudest of all accuracy. What happened to the promise of "Mind over matter" or did my mind just say "It doesn't matter"?

      We are never too old to walk some every day; lift a few weights; sweat a little; and of course rock out to the hits of our generation. Hits that rocket us back to our youth, our tender memories of innocence, a simpler time, and bodies that followed the adage; "What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve."



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